Friday, December 15, 2006

Adios, blogger!

I'm moving to WordPress!

You can find me at my new address.

Eventually, all my archives will leave blogger, but I'm still in the process of switching over.

Friday, March 31, 2006

Feline Fun Friday

P'Nut inspired me to partake in Feline Fun Friday........ Here's our cat Ella. Also known as Smelly Elly and the Evil One.

Happy Birthday, Chicken!!!

Just wanted to send out a big Happy Birthday! to my buddy, Chicken. She's a great pal and I hope she has a wonderful day off of work!

Thursday, March 30, 2006

Sugar high

Somebody please take these away from me before I make myself HURL!!! This is on my desk at work, with a couple of fun pens that my grandma gave me for Xmas.


We were very productive last night and got a few things done on the house. We now have a working light/fan/heater in the bathroom ceiling........ a custom-made medicine cabinet............. and actual light switches in the wall instead of bare, live wires sticking out! I also painted the kitchen. Never let it be said that we are afraid of color! It reminds me of tomato soup. I'm not sure I like the color, but it's done and it's staying that way for the time being. There is still much to do, but it feels good to see some tangible results from all our hard work!

Wednesday, March 29, 2006

Fruitless search

There are no gray curtains for sale anywhere in the Portland area. I have been to at least six different stores and they have no gray curtains. Not even for special order at JC Penney. I know that colors go in and out of fashion. But is is really necessary to erase all trace of a color once its popularity drops below "everyone must have it"?

Tuesday, March 28, 2006

What a good idea!

This is my quickie horoscope for the day: "Now that things are settling down, it's a good time to expand your career horizons." The part about things settling down is obviously hooey (see last post), but it seems like a good time to get that job application done! Nothing like a little cosmic encouragement to get you motivated.

Money pit

You know that movie, The Money Pit? The one where Tom Hanks and Shelley Long buy a big old, dillapidated house and hilarity ensues when the thing practically falls down around them? Well, our new house is having a bit of that vibe. This weekend, what started out as a minor project to hang curtains took two days. I had to stand on couch arms and shaky dining chairs. Then I missed the 2x4 by a quarter inch, which sent us off for molly bolts that we didn't have. (The silver lining on that is $300 in curtains we bought the day before were now on sale, so we got $60 back.) I got curtains up on all four windows, but one of them is crooked and needs to be moved. It's not a good idea to measure down from the ceiling when the ceiling is completely unlevel. I also need to hem all of them because of the baseboard heaters along the floor. I'm not sure if I actually finished a single project all weekend long. B tried to replace the ugly medicine cabinet, which exposed the wiring for the fan, which caused him to start a (so far) four day adventure in re-wiring the house. It appears that Billy Jim Bob that used to own the house did some creative home wiring. Thank the goddess B is a handy man. This would cost us a bloody fortune to hire someone for, instead of the small fortune it's costing now. And just for fun, the following are experiencing technical difficulties......... The broiler element on our brand new stove is not working. The washing machine only has hot water running to it. (Shrinky dink sweaters, anyone???) The dryer tumbles, but has no heat. The cable internet has been down since Sunday. B has been told to stay home for two days now because his boss has no work for him. On one hand, he is able to work on the holes in the walls and ceiling of the bathroom and get the live wires sticking out everywhere in a more safe configuration. On the other hand, he is not getting paid and we just mailed our first big mortgage payment. I think I'm getting an ulcer..............

Friday, March 24, 2006

Thanks to Mishka, or should I say Robin, for this fun test............ Your results: You are Spider-Man

Green Lantern
The Flash
Wonder Woman
Iron Man
You are intelligent, witty, a bit geeky and have great power and responsibility.

Thursday, March 23, 2006

Only 48%, huh???

You Are 48% Evil
You are evil, but you haven't yet mastered the dark side. Fear not though - you are on your way to world domination.

I'm in love..........

.........with my new little nephew, BW!!!!!!!!! Isn't he an absolute angel?!?!?!?

Sing it, Ani

"i speak without reservation from what i know and who i am. i do so with the understanding that all people should have the right to offer their voice to the chorus whether the result is harmony or dissonance, the worldsong is a colorless dirge without the differences that distinguish us, and it is that difference which should be celebrated not condemned. should any part of my music offend you, please do not close your ears to it. just take what you can use and go on." ---Ani DiFranco